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Build better Routines #3: Elastic Routines


Harnessing the Power of Elastic Routines with Svayy

In the realm of Routine-building, flexibility is often the key to success. Recognizing this, Stephen Guise introduced the concept of Elastic Routines in his book "Elastic Routines: How to Create Smarter Routines That Adapt to Your Day." This innovative approach is perfectly complemented by Svayy, a versatile Routine-tracking tool designed to adapt to your evolving needs. Let's delve into the world of Elastic Routines and explore how you can leverage them with Svayy to optimize your Routines and maximize your productivity.

The Essence of Elastic Routines

Guise's premise revolves around the idea that rigid, all-or-nothing approaches to Routine-building often lead to frustration and failure. Instead, he advocates for a more flexible and adaptable mindset—one that acknowledges the inherent variability of life and adjusts Routines accordingly. Elastic Routines are designed to accommodate the ebb and flow of daily life, ensuring that progress continues even in the face of challenges and disruptions.

Embracing Flexibility and Adaptability

Central to Guise's philosophy is the recognition that life is unpredictable. Rather than viewing deviations from our ideal routines as failures, we should embrace them as opportunities for adaptation and growth. Elastic Routines allow us to pivot and adjust our Routines in response to changing circumstances, ensuring that we maintain momentum towards our goals regardless of external factors.

Understanding Elastic Routines

Elastic Routines are structured to accommodate life's inevitable fluctuations while maintaining consistency and progress towards your goals. They consist of three stages, each tailored to suit different circumstances:

Mini Stage:

This stage represents the bare minimum you can do, regardless of external factors. For example, in a workout routine, your Mini Stage might consist of 10 pushups, achievable anywhere and anytime.

Intermediate Stage:

The Intermediate Stage serves as a compromise between the Mini and Elite versions. It's a step up from the Mini Stage but more feasible than the Elite Stage. Using the workout routine example, your Intermediate Stage might involve a home workout with a set of exercises like pushups, burpees, and crunches.

Elite Stage:

The Elite Stage represents your desired routine, the pinnacle of your Routine aspirations. In the workout routine, this could entail going to the gym for a full 45-minute workout session.

Implementing Elastic Routines with Svayy

Svayy provides the perfect platform to implement and track your Elastic Routines effectively. Here's how you can make the most of this dynamic approach:

Setting Up Elastic Routines

Define Your Stages: Begin by defining the Mini, Intermediate, and Elite stages of your routines. Ensure that your Mini Routine is always achievable, no matter the circumstances.

Gradual Progression:

Review and adjust your Elastic Routines periodically, gradually increasing the intensity of each stage over time. This gradual progression ensures that your routines evolve with you, keeping you challenged and motivated.

Tracking Progress and Motivation

Score System:

Svayy introduces a unique scoring system for Elastic Routines, providing extra motivation and dopamine release for completing tougher versions of your routines. Each stage (Mini, Intermediate, Elite) has a different impact on your score, with tougher stages resulting in greater score reductions.

Visual Representation:

Svayy's visual representation of your progress allows you to see how each stage of your Elastic Routines contributes to your overall success. This visual feedback reinforces your commitment and encourages you to push yourself further.

Practical Applications of Elastic Routines

The versatility of Elastic Routines makes them applicable to various aspects of life. Here are some examples of how you can incorporate them into your daily routine using Svayy:

  1. Meditation: Mini - 5 minutes, Intermediate - 10 minutes, Elite - 15 minutes.
  2. Reading: Mini - 1 page, Intermediate - 2 pages, Elite - 4 pages.
  3. Fitness: Mini - 10 pushups, Intermediate - Home workout, Elite - Gym session.
  4. Stretching: Mini - 3 stretches, Intermediate - 6 stretches, Elite - 12 stretches.
  5. Skill Development: Mini - 15 minutes, Intermediate - 30 minutes, Elite - 1 hour.


Elastic Routines offer a flexible and adaptable approach to Routine-building, allowing you to navigate life's challenges while staying committed to your goals. When combined with Svayy's intuitive platform, Elastic Routines become even more powerful, providing you with the tools and motivation to achieve sustainable progress. So, embrace the elasticity of your Routines, leverage the features of Svayy, and embark on a journey of growth and self-improvement like never before.